Larry Taylor Radio Flash ~ October 31, 2020

2016_BTVeil1  [Augusto Perez]

BEYOND THE VEIL with Augusto Perez  {embedded}  ~  Augusto Perez “Beyond the Veil” Series  [see above image] with host Augusto Perez & Larry Taylor in a SPECIAL PROGRAM SERIES conversation is now RECORDED & ready for PLAY (Part 2) tonight, Saturday, October 31, 2020 — begins at 6:00pm Central, 7:00pm Eastern. AND you can LISTEN on any phone @  323-642-1086.  Augusto Perez website with many radio programs @  ………

2016_SW_2_sunspots_come  [Space Weather]

NOAA & Space Weather News Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  Biggest sunspots appeared this week [see above image]  in new solar cycle 25, sunspots AR 2778 & AR 2779 [see above] poised to rotate over sun’s eastern limb. Solar rotation will bring these sunspots into view this weekend !!!   …..

sprite-jupiter-1024x576  [Strange Sounds]

STRANGE SOUNDS Breaking News  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  Juno spacecraft observes & films “Sprites” [see above image]  not on Earth, but now happening on Planet Jupiter ? — This is the first time SPRITES have been observed on Jupiter ?     {breaking} ……………….

2016_Koenig_Deals_BidenBobu  [Koenig News]

Koenig International News  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  Joe Biden & Campaign stays silent [see above image]  on the Bobulinski claims [above] of Biden Family business ventures ?    {breaking} ………….

2016_Breitbart_Trump_Burn_Down  [One America News]

One America News Network  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  President Trump slams Mainstream Media [see above image]  over Pro-Biden bias & it’s anti-Trump reporting !!!    {breaking} …….

2016_Koenig_Israel_Cyber_Hackers  [Q-Alert News]

Q-Alert News Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  NSA announces Chinese hackers are now targeting U.S. Defense Industry [see above]  warns the American people of Chinese attacks !!!     {breaking} ………..

2016_A_A_A_Armenia_Shushan1  [Armenia MOD]

Armenia Ministry of Defense, Shushan Stepanyan  ~  Defense Army captures Turk/Syrian terrorist from Hama, Syria — fighting for Azerbaijan. Terrorist tells of Erdogan & Turk forces sending terrorists to Azerbaijan, terrorists to fight for Azeri against Armenia forces on front lines !!!    {breaking} …………

2016_Shushan_Armenia_Phos  [Armenia MOD]

Armenia Ministry of Defense, Shushan Stepanyan  ~ Azerbaijan forces shell Artsakh city of Shushi killing civilians there. Azeri enemy forces caught using chemical weapons (white phosphorus) [see above image] & the chemical weapon is prohibited by Geneva Accords ?     {breaking} …………………………..

2016_Yahoo_News_Armenia_Fear_Putin  [Yahoo News]

Yahoo News Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  Renewed fighting erupts in Karabakh warfare [see above image]  as Azerbaijan again attacks region, warning Russia against any involvement in the war with Armenia ? ……

aSpaceWeather_doublev  [Fact News Net]

Fact News Network {video} ~  Steven Ben DeNun (Israeli News Live) report {video} available  titled: “Trump signs S.881 Space Weather Act” in preps for Space Weather Phenomena coming our way ? ………

2016_Amazon_Jamie_Lee_Grey_HolyWar   [Jamie Lee Grey]

Jamie Lee Grey Christian Novels  {embedded}  ~  Christian Author, Jamie Lee Grey writes END TIME FACTION @  and is now busy writing her new TRIBULATION series novels ?     {breaking} ……………………..

DEVELOPING …………………………………………

Larry W. Taylor


Larry’s Blog

cards & letters: Larry W. Taylor, P.O. Box 317, Talihina,OK. 74571-0317 USA


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