Night Shadows Radio with Stewart Best {embedded} ~ Stewart Best announces “Night Shadows” [see above image] with Stewart Best & Larry Taylor in an INTEL moment tonight, Wednesday, August 23, 2017 begins at 7:00pm Central. And you can LISTEN to the show on any phone using the call in number 929-477-2293. You can read Stewart’s daily BLOG from his WordPress website at ………………………………………………………………
Barry Roffman Torah Code Research {embedded} ~ Barry Roffman torah code research matrix [see above image] (under construction) dated: August 23, 2017 from Roffman LINK and is entitled: “God Join the Conversation, Makes Clear Who Gave Iran Nukes” with comment: “God’s answer to those who forgot who gave the nuke to Iran: Kim, Korea and their fellow enemy of America, the man who financed their nuclear program: B. OBAMA says code {breaking} ………………….
DEBKAfile Israel Breaking {intel} ~~~~~~~~~~~~ BREAKING: Netanyahu to Putin [see above image] Iran in Syria is a strategic threat to Israel, especially with Iran entrenchment within Syria {breaking} ………………………………………………………………..
DEBKAfile Israel Breaking {intel} ~~~~~~~~~~~~ BREAKING: Iran building a separate troop landing terminal in Tartus military base, Syria {breaking} …………….
Yahoo News Breaking {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: Russia deploys permanent military units [see above image] along border with Poland {breaking} ………………
Breitbart News Breaking {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: Egypt’s Foreign Minister & Sisi snub Jared Kushner [see above image] in Cairo, as Trump Administration holds back $290M aid to Egypt {breaking} ……………………………………………………………………………….
TruNews Radio Breaking {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: FBI informant warns Obama’s connection to USA radical revolution [see above image] communist playbook in USA run by Barack Hussein Obama {breaking} ………………………………………………………………….
Breitbart News Breaking {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: New report announcing that Steve Bannon [see above image] urged President Trump to move U.S. Embassy quickly to Jerusalem, but was blocked by Jared Kushner and so Trump did not make the move ……
DEVELOPING ……………………………………….
Larry W. Taylor
Larry’s Blog
cards & letters: Larry W. Taylor, P.O. Box 197, Smithville,OK. 74957 USA