Drudge Report Breaking {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: 1st Movie Trailer just out, Dinesh D’Souza “Death of a Nation” http://www.drudgereport.com [see above image] with LINK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXPhLXuJ90I {breaking} …….
DEATH OF A NATION by Dinesh D’Souza {embedded} ~ Dinesh D’Souza new movie trailer just out [see above image] https://www.deathofanationmovie.com with LINK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXPhLXuJ90I {breaking} ……..
Barry Roffman Torah Code Research {embedded} ~ Barry Roffman new torah code research matrix [see above image] http://arkcode.com/custom3_487.html titled “Maxine Waters Encourages Violence” dated: [June 28, 2018] and Barry’s research is located at http://arkcode.com {breaking} ……
DEVELOPING ……………………………………….
Larry W. Taylor
EMAIL From_The_Edge2011@yahoo.com
Larry’s Blog http://larrywtaylor.org