Larry Taylor News Flash ~ December 28, 2019

2016_Hal_Turner_Don_Imus  [Hal Turner]

Hal Turner World News Alert  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  Don Imus, New York Radio Legend [see above image] dead at 79. Don Imus passed away at Medical Center in College Station, Texas on Christmas Eve !!! …….

2016_Drudge_Imus_Dead   [Drudge Report]

Drudge Report Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  Don Imus, controversial, crazy, completely brilliant, loyal to USA [see above image] dead at 79 in Texas !!!..

Larry Taylor Note:  1 thing I liked about DON IMUS, as I watched him when he was on Fox Business Network, right or wrong, he said what he believed !!!…….

2016_A_A_A_Best_Image  [Night Shadows]

NIGHT SHADOWS RADIO with Stewart Best  {embedded}  ~  Dorothy Crothers provides {vimeo}  [see above image] of the program [December 27, 2019] or you can LISTEN from Stewart’s BlogTalkRadio archive LINK at  …….

2016_Drudge_UN_Cyber_Internet  [Drudge Report]

Drudge Report Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  United Nations backs Russia on internet convention [see above image] alarming news to WEB users/rights advocates. UN Convention will place restrictions on USERS internet access {breaking} & new internet access will be set up by United Nations Committee of International Experts 2020 ……

2016_OANN_OAN-Investigates-button-scaled  [One America News]

One America News Network Investigation  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  One America News with Chanel Rion [see above image]  Ukraine Witness destroys Schiff case on Trump, exclusive with Rudy Giuliani …….

2016_Mena_ufo1  [Sue Bradley]

ANOMALOUS OBJECTS INFORMATION with Sue Bradley  ~  Sue Bradley UFO Anomaly [see above image] photo taken at night by Larry Taylor outside Mena,AR. & 3D image developed by Sue Bradley & Larry Taylor.

Larry Taylor Note:  Sue Bradley worked with me [Larry Taylor] on a number of projects, as one [above image] UFO Mena, Arkansas & she also worked closely with Steve Quayle on some projects + she was ill most of the time [now deceased] …Thanks Sue..

Larry Taylor Note:  Just before Sue Bradley passed away, she posted a work to Steve Quayle  titled: “Planet X-Nibiru-Gabriel’s Fist” & hidden @  so read if LINK still active, now released by Quayle Group !!! ……

2016_Amazon_Rigged_James_Rosone   [James Rosone]

Larry Taylor Note:  Last night [Dec. 27, 2019] mentioned recent novel of James Rosone & Miranda Watson  titled: “RIGGED” in the Falling Empire Series, ‘hidden plot must be discovered’ a powerful CLOSE to the Author Tom Clancy !!! …….

DEVELOPING ………………………………………….

Larry W. Taylor


Larry’s Blog


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