[Larry Taylor]
Larry Taylor Note: Well, on a recent sunny wonderful day, Darnette took photo of me, with sign of “Deep Lake” location [see above image] & another mysterious adventure in the research of reported BOTTOMLESS water in the region ? {just a note} ………..
NOAA & Space Weather News {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: Lunar Eclipse Mirage, as Europe saw Friday’s Eclipse [see above image] https://www.spaceweather.com near Spain in form of rare mirage, amazing photo “mushroom cloud effect” in mirage !!! ..
WAR ROOM with Steve Bannon {embedded} ~ Steve Bannon in Saturday interview [see above image] https://warroom.org or https://americasvoice.news {breaking-news} “The Transhumanist Revolution” & Joe Allen comment “The MetaVerse & Transhuman Roots ? https://rumble.com/votcwb-episode-1394-the-transhumanist-revolution.html with Joe Allen @ https://joebot.xyz ………………..
Forbidden Knowledge TV News {embedded} ~ In interview Clif High warns from BOTS (predictive linguistics) [see above image] https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net Collapse of Civilization to Some Degree Coming ? — Clif believes his Oct. 28th event was the Chinese Evergrande Default & is like watching an iceberg turn over, just takes some time. In 2022 expect a strange New Great Depression to begin, transition into SciFi World. Plus a strange depression of battle of the productive inflation & CRYPTOS !!! ……………..
JUST THE NEWS with John Solomon {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: Unequal justice in America [see above image] https://justthenews.com as Republicans face censure, contempt, prosecution, while Democrats continue to skate !!! …………
OKLAHOMA NEWSBREAK REPORT {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: Oklahoma City Veterans Project [see above image] https://newsbreak.com as 50 tiny homes being constructed for homeless veterans ? {breaking} …………
Populist Press Breaking Report {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: Fox News Host Tucker Carlson reports [see above image] https://populist.press Biden’s family concerns on Biden health & fitness for Presidency ? {breaking-report} ………….
Zero hedge News Breaking {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: Portland Rittenhouse protest erupts [see above image] https://zerohedge.com into riot, as protests seen in multiple cities across America ? {breaking} ………..
DEBKAfile Israel Breaking {intel} ~~~~~~~~~~~ BREAKING: Saudis, UAE suddenly abandons Red Sea Coast [see above image] https://www.debka.com to Iranian-Houthi control, in a complete shock to U. S. & It’s Allies in region ? {breaking} …….
Q-Alert News Breaking {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: Putin dispatches Russian Naval ships [see above image] https://www.stevequayle.com or https://www.wsj.com to shadow U.S. Warships in Black Sea transit, saying Russia has now been challenged near Ukraine, amid flare-up, as Moscow military forces deploy ? {breaking-report} ………
American Military News Breaking Report {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: Russia flies 2 nuclear bombers & fighter jets [see above image] https://americanmilitarynews.com near Alaska for 10+ hours straight on Friday, 2 long-range Tu-95MS bombers ? ……..
Larry Taylor Note: With October 2021 release of the classic “RELICS, The Dark Autumn” [see above image] http://www.relicsbook.com by John Vandeventer, available in stores Talihina Oklahoma & AMAZON https://www.amazon.com now new reports of a sequel coming in December, 2021 ? ………………….
COMING NEW from Jamie Lee Grey {embedded} ~ Coming new from End-Times Author JAMIE LEE GREY [see above image] “THE BEAR, Mystery Babylon Series, Book1 available soon from AMAZON https://www.amazon.com and also from Jamie Lee Grey @ https://jamieleegrey.com {breaking-books} ……………………..
DEVELOPING …………………………………………………
Larry W. Taylor
EMAIL From_The_Edge2011@yahoo.com
Larry’s Blog http://larrywtaylor.org
cards & letters: Larry W. Taylor, P.O. Box 317, Talihina, OK. 74571-0317 USA