Larry Taylor Blog ~ April 29, 2015

2011_Fox_News_mayor  [Fox News]

Fox News Breaking  {embedded}  ~  BREAKING:  In the midst of rioting that tore Baltimore apart [above image] an order to STAND DOWN ? — a senior law enforcement official reports the Mayor gave a stand down order to police, then heavy looting began…..

2011_Roffman_freddie_grave_matrix  [Barry Roffman]

Barry Roffman Torah Code Research  {embedded}  ~  “Freddie Gray Riot” new research matrix [see above] Freddie Gray’s Death & Riots in Baltimore 04/28/2015 code [under construction] {embedded above}  ………………………………..

2011_Qalert_Matt_Drudge  [Q-Alert News]

Q-Alert News Breaking  {embedded}  ~  Matt Drudge Tweet:  A Deep Breath, Country Could Fall #Baltimore Riots {tweet}  ………………………………………………………………………..

2011_Drudge_Toon_Baltimore  [Drudge Report]

Drudge Report Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINES:  [1] America’s crisis……. [2] History repeating………. [3] Obama: not going to Baltimore…………. [4] Seen this movie before……….. [5] Democratic Leader: answer is more spending……….. [6] Valerie Jarrett in regular contact with Baltimore mayor………… [7] Baltimore Mayor, Governor, spar………… [8] BREAKING NEWS HEADLINE:  GDP stalls @ 0.2%   ……………………………………..

2011_Marzulli_F_Graham  [L.A. Marzulli]

L.A. Marzulli Blog  {embedded}  ~  WE WILL NOT OBEY !  —  cultural push back, Franklin Graham, with commentary & analysis by L.A. Marzulli ………………………….

2011_Koenig_Gay_Marriage  [Koenig News]

Koenig International News  {embedded}  ~  ANALYSIS:  On gay marriage, will 5 judges reject deliberative democracy ? — Swing vote Justice Kennedy ‘not persuaded’ by LGBT arguments at Supreme Court hearing, Ryan Anderson says ………………………………

2011_Trunews_Huckabee  [TruNews Radio]

TruNews Radio Breaking  {embedded}  ~  Huckabee:  we are moving rapidly toward the criminalization of christianity, as christian convictions are under constant attack in America …………………………………………………………………………….DEVELOPING

2011_Trunews_Franklin_Graham  [TruNews Radio]

TruNews Radio Breaking  {embedded}  ~  ‘We will not obey’ as christian leaders threaten civil disobedience, if Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in America, over all individual states ……………………………………………………………………DEVELOPING

2013_Augusto_Perez_Radio  [Augusto Perez]

Augusto Perez MAILBAG Show [archive]  {embedded above}  ~  Augusto’s Tuesday MAILBAG Show last night is archived at Dorothy Crothers Radio Network {above} and he will teach again Thursday night on “Piercing The Veil” ……………………………………………..


DEBKAfile Israel Breaking {intel} ~~~~~~~~ DEBKA REVEALS:  Hezballah officers land in Tehran, with Syrian defense chief  {breaking}  Iran ok’s anti-Israel strategy ……….

DEVELOPING …………………..

2013_Fox_News_Go_300x250  [Fox News GO]

Fox News GO Breaking  {embedded above}  ~  Fox News reporting protests in America’s cities [linked with Baltimore crisis] being prepared for this Friday, Saturday weekend …………………………………………………………………………..DEVELOPING

Thanks for listening,

Larry W. Taylor


Larry’s Blog


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