Larry Taylor Radio Flash ~ October 25, 2017

2016_a_best_1200x900  [Night Shadows]

NIGHT SHADOWS RADIO with Stewart Best  {embedded}  ~  Stewart Best announcement “Night Shadows”  [see above] with Stewart Best & Larry Taylor in an INTEL moment tonight, Wednesday, October 25, 2017 — begins at 7:00pm Central [above] and you can LISTEN on any phone by calling the number  929-477-2293. You can read Stewart’s BLOG posting, articles from the site  …………………………………………………………………

2016_fox_news_dossier  [Fox News]

Fox News GO Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  Dossier deceit, heat on Democrats, Clinton, ‘stonewalling’ FBI [see above image] after Fusion GPS funding report stunner revelations  {breaking} ………………………………………………………………………………..

2016_drudge_putin_clinton  [Drudge Report]

Drudge Report Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  [1] Dirty Clinton paid for Kremlin [see above] dirt on Trump……….. [2] Russia script flipped………… [3] Top Hillary lawyer lied for a year about dossier……….. [4] FBI in the hot seat………….. [5] Busted media downplays Democratic revelations…………. [6] Elites ready to turn, sacrifice Clintons? …

2016_breitbart_sam-elliot-big-lebowski-640x480  [Breitbart News]

Breitbart News Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  Sam Elliott reports that the Weinstein scandal is the ‘best thing’ that’s happening to Hollywood in a long time ……

2016_fox_news_obama  [Fox News]

Fox News GO Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  Smoking gun, emails show Obama, Holder [see above image] DOJ steered cash away from the conservative groups inside the USA   {breaking} …………………………………………………………………………………

2016_a_a_skywatchtv_geostorm   [SkyWatchTV]

SkyWatchTV with Thomas Horn  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  Could the movie presentation “GeoStorm” [see above image] really happen?  New disaster movie thrill “GeoStorm” paints a bleak climate picture for the world?  {breaking} …………………….

2016_deyo_emp_shield    [Deyo News]

Deyo News with Stan & Holly Deyo  {embedded}  ~  Stan & Holly Deyo present EMP protection to home or business [see above image]   {breaking} …..

DEVELOPING ………………………………………….

Larry W. Taylor


Larry’s Blog

cards & letters: Larry W. Taylor, P.O. Box 197, Smithville,OK. 74957 USA


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