Larry Taylor Radio Flash ~ October 20, 2017

2016_a_best_1200x900  [Night Shadows]

NIGHT SHADOWS RADIO with Stewart Best  {embedded}  ~  Stewart Best announces “Night Shadows”  [see above] with Stewart Best & Larry Taylor in a conversation tonight, Friday, October 20, 2017 — begins at 7:00pm Central [see above image] and you can LISTEN on any phone by calling the number  929-477-2293 ……………………………………………………………………………………….

2016_deyo_stan_ufos_downunder_icon  [Augusto Perez]

END TIME NEWS REPORT with Augusto Perez  {embedded}  ~  Augusto Perez radio show “End Time News Report” with Larry Taylor & guest STAN DEYO [see above] to be recorded today, Friday, October 20, 2017 for listening later and you can check the Perez website for details  or the Augusto Perez site at  check for posting details on RADIO SHOWS LINK or show LINK  ……………………

2016_a_a_best_blog  [Stewart Best]

LightGateBlogger with Stewart Best  {embedded}  ~  Stewart Best recent post on the LightGateBlogger BLOG  entitled: “Nothing Sacred Anymore — Trump Coup Goes Into High Gear — General Kelly Speech” and related {vimeo}  from Dorothy Crothers Vimeo Group …………….

2016_drudge_bush-obama    [Drudge Report]

Drudge Report Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  [1] BushObama slams Trump-era America………. [2] McCain chimes in…………. [3] Kelly defends Trump call……… [4] Hillary’s Russian Ghost Story   {breaking} …………………………………………………………….

2016_yahoo_news_obama_back  [Yahoo News]

Yahoo News Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  Obama’s impassioned return to the campaign trail [see above image] October 19, 2017 [above] signals forward way for Democrats, slams Trump  {breaking} …………………………………………………………………..

2016_breitbart_kelly_fights-back  [Breitbart news]

Breitbart News Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  General John Kelly serves, moving defense of American Soldiers [see above image] Gold Star families, Potus ….

2016_breitbart_dubya  [Breitbart News]

Breitbart News Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  Dubya disturbed, bigotry emboldened, Former President Bush #43 [see above image] targets Trump ‘deplorables’ in America   {breaking} …………………………………………………………………………………………………

DEVELOPING ……………………………………….

Larry W. Taylor


Larry’s Blog

cards & letters: Larry W. Taylor, P.O. Box 197, Smithville,OK. 74957 USA


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