NIGHT SHADOWS RADIO with Stewart Best {embedded} ~ Stewart Best announces “Night Shadows” [see above] with Stewart Best & Larry Taylor in an INTEL moment tonight, Thursday, October 19, 2017 — begins at 7:00pm. And you can LISTEN on any phone @ 929-477-2293. You can read the Stewart Best BLOG at …………………………………
Fox News GO Breaking {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: Kelly broken-hearted, as John Kelly [see above image] says he was ‘stunned’ by Democratic Congresswoman [above] attacks on Trump, in her “slain soldier” accusations {breaking} …………………………….
Yahoo News Breaking {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: George W. Bush #43 says America has lost it’s identity [see above image] in this Trump-era {breaking} …..
Drudge Report Breaking ~ HEADLINE: George W. Bush #43 slams Trump in called press conference [see above image] {breaking} ………………………………………………………..
Yahoo News Breaking {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: Trump says Obama-era uranium deal is the ‘real’ Russia story {breaking} …………………………………………………………………….
Yahoo News Breaking {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: President Donald Trump demands name of who paid for the TRUMP DOSSIER [see above image] with unverified Russia claims on Trump ? {breaking} …………………………………………………………………..
Times of Israel News Breaking {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: Israeli Defense Forces tanks [see above image] strike Syrian Army Post, after incoming mortar fire on Golan…
DEBKAfile Israel Breaking {intel} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BREAKING: Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps plants new Iranian Command Post and 5 Iranian military bases near Kirkuk, Iraq {breaking} ………………………………………………………………….
DEVELOPING ………………………………………..
Larry W. Taylor
Larry’s Blog
cards & letters: Larry W. Taylor, P.O. Box 197, Smithville,OK. 74957 USA