Larry Taylor News Flash ~ October 26, 2017

2016_drudge_nk_kim_night  [Drudge Report]

Drudge Report Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  Kim Jong-Un’s Apocalyptic Vision ~~~ North Korea wants to unleash an EMP [see above image] apocalypse upon the American people — Lights go out, planes fall from the sky, 90% of U.S. population dead in year 1, nightmare of a North Korean EMP attack  {breaking} ……………………………………….

2016_a_a_skywatchtv_nk_nuked  [SkyWatchTV]

SkyWatchTV with Thomas Horn  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  North Korea nuclear threat is ‘imminent’ & ‘critical’ [see above image] as Japan warns U.S. – South Korea ……

accuweather-brightspotcdn-com-jpg2  [Accuweather]

Accuweather News Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  Blue Norther with freezing chilled air moves south [see above image map] into Friday, weekend ……

accuweather-brightspotcdn-com-jpg3  [Accuweather]

Accuweather News Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  Freezing air to sweep into Southern U.S. this weekend [see above image map] prior to chill hit on U.S. East coast …..

accuweather-brightspotcdn-com-jpg1  [Accuweather]

Accuweather News Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  Weekend frost/freeze threat to Southern U.S. [see above image map]  {breaking} ……………………………………

DEVELOPING ……………………………………….

Larry W. Taylor


Larry’s Blog


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