Fox News GO Breaking {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: Turning up the heat, OBAMA, world leaders in Paris [see above image] for climate change talks …….DEVELOPING
Drudge Report Breaking {embedded} ~ HEADLINES: [1] Global hot air…….. [2] George Soros, investor in Obama energy plan?………….. [3] Russia bans Soros group, threat to National Security………. [4] India seen as block to climate deal?……….. [5] IMF set to put the Yuan on par with dollar……………………………………………………………DEVELOPING
Koenig International News {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: Iran responds to UN, nuclear deal off [see above image] if UN doesn’t drop it’s atomic weapon probe into Iran’s program {breaking} ……………………………………………………………………DEVELOPING
Koenig International News {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: Israel suspends EU contact over peace process [see above image] for EU decision to label goods from Israel, as Jewish products {breaking} …………………………………………………………………….DEVELOPING
YnetNews Israel Breaking {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: Putin praises ‘mechanism of cooperation’ [see above image] between Israeli and Russian military …….DEVELOPING
Q-Alert News Breaking [unconfirmed] {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: Putin to deploy 150,000 Russian reserve troops to Syria, as Turkey begins to set up naval blockade, to block Russian ships in area [unconfirmed] …………………………………DEVELOPING
Breitbart News Breaking {embedded} ~ HEADLINES: Russia to escalate Syrian offensive [see above image] with ground troops, reports from Arab Media only ……….
DEVELOPING ………………………………………
THE SPYMASTERS, CIA in the CROSSHAIRS {embedded} ~ Showtime Channel [dish] 318 showing incredible documentary {link embedded above} ……………………………
Larry W. Taylor
Larry’s Blog