Larry Taylor News Flash ~ July 31, 2015

2011_Drudge_Iran   [Drudge Report]

Drudge Report Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  Iran ‘hell-hot’ — Iran’s heat index is 163 degrees [see above image] City of Bandar Mahshahr temp hits suffocating heat index of 163 degrees [above] near world record …………………………………………….

2011_InfoWars_Spain  [InfoWars News]

InfoWars News Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  Report says Spain is the next financial domino set to fall [above] Alex Jones media ……………………..DEVELOPING

2011_Trunews_IMF-Greece-Get  [TruNews Radio]

TruNews Radio Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  Greece debt crisis, IMF staff balk at signing up to new bailout deal {breaking} …………………………DEVELOPING

2011_Yahoo_News_chinamarket_635x250  [Yahoo News]

Yahoo News Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  China’s stock market bubbled and burst [see above] {breaking} Chinese government created a monster market by allowing hot monies {breaking} ……………………………………………………………..DEVELOPING

2011_Yahoo_News_Golan  [Yahoo News]

Yahoo News Breaking  {embedded}  ~  HEADLINE:  Israel threatens attacks on ISIS in Syria, after launching revenge strikes in Syria, Lebanon [see above image] ……………………


DEBKAfile Israel Breaking {intel} ~~~~~~~~ Palestinians clash with Israeli troops in Jerusalem, hurl rocks, bottle bombs {breaking} ………………………….DEVELOPING


DEBKAfile Israel Breaking {intel} ~~~~~~~~~ 2 Turkish air strikes kill 190+ Kurd fighters in safe havens, Syria & Iraq, with Turks using about 30 fighter-bombers in the attacks on Kurdish compounds {breaking} ………………………………….DEVELOPING

Larry Taylor Note:  It appears that Turkey is attacking the Kurdish fighters to diminish their numbers, arms, so ISIS can again attack the Kurdish region………Larry W. Taylor

Larry W. Taylor


Larry’s Blog


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