Drudge Report Breaking {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: [1] USA cold records smashed………… [2] Little ice age……….. [3] Live wind chill map…………follow temps at Drudge Report http://www.drudgereport.com …………………………………………………….
Koenig International News {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: USA wind chill MAP for December 31, 2017 [see above image map] http://watch.org ………………………………….
DEBKAfile Israel Breaking {intel} ~~~~~~~~~~~~ BREAKING: Israel silent, as Syrian flag raised over Beit Jinn [see above image] and rebel forces there moved by bus convoys to Idlib, Syria in the north {breaking} ……………………………………………………….
DEBKAfile Israel Breaking {intel} ~~~~~~~~~~~ BREAKING: According to DEBKA Arab sources, Jordan King Abdullah [see above image] has arrested his 2 brothers & cousin [above] reportedly with secret ties to Saudis & UAE Crown {breaking} …………
Koenig International News {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: Assad has retaken the Syrian Golan at Beit Jinn, but Iran is certainly pulling all the strings toward Israel. And Israel has a new security fence [see above image] between Israeli controlled Golan and the so-called Syrian Golan {breaking} ……………………………………………………………………………
Koenig International News {embedded} ~ HEADLINE: Vladimir Putin assures Syria’s Assad [see above image] that Russia will help defend Syrian sovereignty ……..
DEVELOPING ………………………………………..
Larry W. Taylor
EMAIL From_The_Edge2011@yahoo.com
Larry’s Blog http://larrywtaylor.org