Drudge Report News <http://www.drudgereport.com> ~ HEADLINES: [1] Obama pleads with Putin… [2] Move troops off Ukraine border… [3] Thousands of Russian troops on Ukraine border… [4] Putin could invade at moment’s notice…. [5] Krauthammer: Obama vs Putin, miss-match….. [6] Warning flags on Wall Street…. [7] Box Office: Noah movie ride of controversy………………………………………………………………………………………….
TruNews Radio <http://www.trunews.com> ~ On Brink of Biggest War Since 1945 ? Crimea Just the Beginning……………………………………………………………………………….
Fox News Breaking <http://www.foxnews.com> ~ HEADLINE: 100,000 Russian Troops Massed on Border of Ukraine………………………………………………………………………………..
TruNews Radio <http://www.trunews.com> ~ In Military Rout, Russia Seizes 51 Ukrainian Ships in Crimea………………………………………..
DEBKAfile Israel Breaking {intel} ~~~~~ Egypt: General El-Sisi runs for president. Sets up 10,000 strong crack force to defend his regime……………………..
TruNews Radio <http://www.trunews.com> ~ Franklin Graham: some White House officials are anti-christ in what they say and in what they do! Some in the Obama Administration are even hostile to christians……………………………………………..
L.A. Marzulli Blog <http://lamarrdpress.com> ~ Mahmoud Abbas: will not recognize Israel! commentary & analysis by L.A. Marzulli…………………………
Fox News Breaking <http://www.foxnews.com> ~ Hill Republicans Urge Obama to Take Firm Stance Against Russia in Ukraine Situation……………………………….
Sorry Guys ~~~ for late postings, but have had 2 days of loss of electricity and electromagnetic activity, Oklahoma earthquakes, storms, etc……………….and still not sure I have overcome the problems completely………………………………………………………………..
Thanks for listening,
Larry W. Taylor
EMAIL: <From_The_Edge2011@yahoo.com>
Larry’s Blog <http://larrywtaylor.org>