Drudge Report Thursday http://www.drudgereport.com ~ HEADLINES: [1] Supremes strike down police cell phone snooping… [2] ISIS tries to get air force…. [3] Syrian warplanes launch raids into Iraq…. [4] Iran sends drones… [5] Intel: Americans have joined ISIS…. [6] Christians ordered to pay tax…. [7] Obama’s world disorder…….
DEBKAfile Israel Breaking {intel} ~~~~~~ As first U.S. advisors reach Baghdad, Iranians and Saudis airlift weapons to opposing sides in Iraq conflict……………………………………..
L.A. Marzulli Blog http://lamarzulli.wordpress.com ~ L.A. Marzulli & Richard Shaw at Prophecy in the News with Gary Stearman [above image] includes {video} on Marzulli site http://lamarzulli.wordpress.com interview http://www.prophecyinthenews.com and a possible working youtube @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7l3XQoNN1Ew#t=645 .
Breitbart TV News http://www.breitbart.com ~ Lt. Col. Ralph Peters: Obama allowing a caliphate terror state to form is grounds for impeachment {video} ……………………………….
Fox News http://www.foxnews.com & Breitbart News http://www.breitbart.com ~ Krauthammer warns of Congress irrevelancy if Obama keeps writing his own laws {video} on Breitbart TV …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Joel C. Rosenberg Blog http://flashtrafficblog.wordpress.com ~ New Middle East Thriller on ISIS Invasion [update added] ………………………………………………………
Yahoo News Breaking http://news.yahoo.com ~ Syria sends warplanes into Iraq, targets ISIS in attacks………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Brad Thor’s new thriller ACT OF WAR coming July, 2014 [see above] tour locations and dates http://www.bradthor.com ……………………………………………………………………………
Dorothy’s Radio http://www.blogtalkradio.com/dorothycrothers ~ Larry Taylor & Daniel Holdings discuss the Demos Shakarian reported SECRET SEALED ARMENIAN PROPHECY LETTER ……………………………………………………………………………..
In the [above post] Larry Taylor mentions the book ICE [above image] on Dorothy’s radio show re: someone from Earth already been on moon, before Apollo Missions, Nephilim ? And the book ICE is available at Amazon http://www.amazon.com …………………………
Davis Bunn’s middle east classic chriatian/thriller LION OF BABYLON is much more meaningful today with the Babylon, Iraq conflict with ISIS & Iran. Also in the mix of Babylon is Americans http://www.davisbunn.com and is always available from Amazon http://www.amazon.com …………………………………………………………………………………….
Thanks for listening,
Larry W. Taylor
EMAIL: From_The_Edge2011@yahoo.com
Larry’s Blog http://larrywtaylor.org